Grading Costs

Below are the costs of the gradings. If you or your child is required to attend a course to complete a grading then you can see the future dates and costs of courses on our Course Dates page.


Grading Prices

11th Kyu - White & Red, 10th Kyu - White & Yellow, 9th Kyu - Red, 8th Kyu - Yellow - £25


7th Kyu - Orange, 6th Kyu - Green - £30


5th Kyu - Blue - £35


4th Kyu - Purple - £40


3rd Kyu - Brown - £50


2nd Kyu - Brown & White - £60


1st Kyu - Brown & Black - £70

Black Belt Grading Prices

1st Dan Black - £120


2nd Dan Black - £130


3rd Dan Black - £140


4th Dan Black - £150